Tattoos, Masonic and Satanic Symbolism + Marilyn Manson Has Somehow Stayed Completely Silent on His Supposed Deliverance + Ye, Variant of Ja, Representation of God + Final Song on Kanye's Album Happens to Be Called Sunshine, Jessie's Ritual Name
The Order of Melchizedek, Initiates of the Flame (by Manly P. Hall), Immortality, Godhood + Anti-Christ, Jessie Knows His Identity But Cannot Reveal it
Bi-dan (Fake Joe Biden), Obama, Prepped Since Childhood for His Role + Bidan's Inauguration, The Order of Melchizedek + The Obama Girls Were Pimped Out, Lady Gaga
August 10, 1982, Prince Andrew's Hidden Brother, Rothschilds, Prince Philip Went to the Satanic Council Over Dandelions, Laurie Cabot Kent Defended Jessie