Peter Navarro | "It Was My Faith That Sustained Me. Just Before I Went In a Very Good Friend of Mine (Clay Clark) Said Blessed Are the Persecuted for Righteousness for They Shall Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 5:10
Optimus Humanoid Robots | "They Will Serve Drinks At the Bar. It's a Wild Experience Having Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (10/10/2024) "The Number of Robots Will Vastly Exceed the Number of Humans." - Musk (9/9/2024)
BRICS | BRICS Summit 2024 | BRICS PAY | "The Days of the U.S. Financial Dominance May Be Numbered." - Clayton Morris (10/6/2024) + "The Russians Said It's (New BRICS Currency) Going to Be Gold Backed." - Steve Bannon
Elon Musk | "There Is 8 Billion People In the World. At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. You Sit In Chair & 600 Seconds Later You Have An Implant. " 10/28/24
Barack Obama | Who Is Barack Obama? Luke 10:18 "And He Said Unto Them, I Beheld Satan as Lightning (Barack) Fall from Heaven (Bamah)." Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? Yuval (Father of Music) Noah (As In the Days of Noah) Harari (Mountain Dweller)
The Quest to ReAwaken America Continues | Jimmy Kimmel, Washington Post, NPR, Huffington Post, the Associated Press All Cover the ReAwaken America Tour Within 10 Days | Is America Waking Up In Time? + 63 Tickets Remain for Nov. 4th & 5th Branson, MO