3 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - BATF Special Agent Littleton 1&2 - 7.27.98 & 7.28.98Deus Meum Que Jus
8 months agoHOTT - with Doyel - Manly Hall - Human Soul & Astrological Cycles (date unknown)Deus Meum Que Jus
5 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - IRS - BATF Constructive Fraud 1&2 - 10.26.95 - 10.27.95Deus Meum Que Jus
2 months agoWilliam Cooper - HOTT - The Planned Education of Your Child 1-3 - 2.23.98 - 2.25.98Deus Meum Que Jus