2 years agoSolstice Special - Pyramids Around the Realm - Autodidactic AlchemistBurnEye3rdEyeScienceGuy
2 years agoLiving Alchemy, , Metals & Electricity, Bernie & Leak Project Rex BearBurnEye3rdEyeScienceGuy
2 years agoYear of the Coil Episode 7, after APEC SPecial Rife TEchnologies!Alchemy, fringe Science, occult & Esoteric knowledge
2 years agoBurnEye Frankie Ben & Mike FAraday Research! UNOBTANIUM and the hiddenBurnEye3rdEyeScienceGuy
2 years agoBurnEye's Year of the Coil Part2 Ghost Buster Gun Alchemist's Halloween specialBurnEye3rdEyeScienceGuy