Jessie Believes George Bush Snr Was Executed for his Crimes Against Humanity and Children, Made a Deal, Envelopes Handed Out at his Funeral + Over 180,000 Indictments (June 2020) Doesn't Include Top Levels, Only Mid-Level People Who Run the System
Justin Bieber Video, Yummy Decode, Yummy is a Pedophile Word, Asian + Pink, Child Abduction Codes, Food Like Body Parts, Glasses-Mirrors, Sandwich Face
Children in the System, Fully Trained for their Position by the Age of 10 + Orders for Children, Masonic, Jesuit and Mormon Connections + Possible to Get to Very High Levels with No Knowledge of Having Been Involved Since Childhood & Being Abused
3 Levels of Underground Tunnel Systems and The Horrific Reality of What's Done to Children in the Luciferian Brotherhood; Sexual Slavery, Ritual Killings, Incinerated and Turned into Diamonds, Ashes/Powdered Remains Sold to Food Companies