Make Father’s Day Great Again; Dr. Simone Gold’s Outrageous Sentence; The Fundamental Destruction of America & the J6 Committee; Texas GOP convention = America’s Mood 6.20.22
Independence Day 2022: Wise Veteran Speaks Truth; Marxists Hate America: The Stephen Miller tweets; Election Rigging Rolling Along; Truth about Climate: Gas Prices & Starving People 7.5.22
Biden Sticks Taxpayers with Student Loan Debt; Jeremy Adams, Author of Hollowed Out: A Warning About America’s Next Generation; No flying for you! Katie Hopkins speaks; Q&A Wednesday 8.24.22
American Crossroads: People vs Powerful; Liz Launches Losers; Moment of Truth + Pit = For Fraud-DENIIERS, never enough proof; 2024: Mike & Tim: Beguiled or Scheming? 8.22.22
9.11 in NY Yesterday; Biden Regime Releases Dr. Simone Gold from political prison; WHY the Biden DOJ Assault on Trump Rages ON; October 15th in Dallas: You Won’t Want to Miss it! 9.12.22