4 years ago07.12.20 Usa: Biden consulenti del Pcc per il dipartimento di stato. Cina calunnia l’AustraliaNTD Italia
4 years ago14.01.21 CF: Arresti a Hong Kong. USA condannano i lavori forzati nello XinjiangNTD Italia
2 years agoGood Morning Talk on May 17th 2022 - "Lord, what about this ... ?" Part 1/2Frank Romanek Jr
1 year agoGESARA Is Coming Soon To All Humanity! QFS System Up And Running, Says St. Germain!!whitegoldeagle
4 years ago10.12.20 CF: Cina incrementa i dazi australiani. Dow Jones elimina le aziende cinesiNTDItalia
4 years ago15.01.21 CF/ Pechino: gelato "positivo" al virus. Biden invertirà le politiche sulla Cina?NTD Italia
2 years agoSerpent Energies Activated 🐍 for Festival of Fertility/ Valentine's day and MahaShivratri ~ Shaktiwhitegoldeagle
4 years ago31.12.2020 CF: China in Focus. La sintesi delle 10 principali notizie dell'anno 2020 sulla CinaNTD Italia
4 years ago13.01.21 CF: Stampa americana corrotta dal PCC. Morto il generale ribelle di TienanmenNTD Italia
2 years agoStar Sentinels ~ Galactic Center Pleiadian Energies ~ WORLD TURTLE DAY ~ Dragon Riders Have Returnedwhitegoldeagle
1 year agoLEO NEW MOON (Royal Star of Lion) Sacred Heart Portal ~ Goddess Mysteries of Solar Feminine Dragon!whitegoldeagle
2 years agoSun Sirius Conjunction ~ A TEAR IN THE UNIVERSE IS HAPPENING ~ Re Activation of the Inner Dragonwhitegoldeagle
4 years ago14.12.20 CF: I "vecchi amici" del PCC a Wall Street. Preoccupazioni sull’ editing genetico cineseNTDItalia
11 months agoApril Fools: 7 Day Warning. Will the Eclipse be another sign, or an event? Things are getting crazy.David The Watchman