Arizona Representative Liz Harris: Today's Updates, BOS, POSes, Screwed By Our Gov't AGAIN! Liars, Grifters & Frauds...Oh My! + We The People Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable Is WORKING - Motivation 2 Get On The Battlefield & JOIN US
You Can Reject What's Known as The Soul Trap/Annunaki Recycling Bin: Discussion with David Icke, Isabella Greene, Lauda Leon, and Christianne Van Wijk.
The Method of Making This Your Last Time on Earth — Isabella Greene CHALLENGES Conventional New Age Ideas Here on Next Level Soul Podcast | WE in 5D: And I Completely Agree w/ Her; IF the Soul is Able to Get Passed ITS OWN Dogma, Never Mind Religion.
The Once "MAGA Granny" Turns on Trump and Alex Jones—This is the Kind of Frazzled Disoriented Mind Qanon Breeds After the PsyOp on the Individual's Mind is Complete, Saturating it with Enough False Dates and Fake Intel.
Patrick Byrne, Who Once Was Obama's Secret Agent and Who Later DIRECTLY Suggested to President Trump in 2020 "INVOKE THE INSURRECTION ACT" (of Course Trump Didn't—BOOO!) Goes Public and Warns Election-Theft is in High Gear!
UFO’s Vs. UAP’s, Secret Mystery Schools, Ancient Technologies, Project Blue Beam, and More! | Dark Journalist, Former Adviser to Trump Darren J. Beattie, and Alex Jones Review the Congressional Hearing on UFO’s.
Dark Journalist, Former Adviser to Trump Darren J. Beattie, and Alex Jones Review the Congressional Hearing on UFO’s! | Discussion Includes UFO’s Vs. UAP’s, Secret Mystery Schools, Ancient Technologies, Project Blue Beam, and More.
Dan Bongino (10/22/24): "I am Telling You with Certainty, if You Are a Trump Supporter and We Lose, You BETTER Get a FkKing Lawyer!!!" + The REAL Reason to Vote Down-Ballot.