EarPods | Why Were Earpods Invented? "The Future That Has Already Arrived. Using Consumer Wearable Devices & Earbuds We Can Pick Up Emotional States & Decodes Faces You Are Seeing In Your Mind." - Nita A. Farahany
The WIZARD of Oz. “A Brand New Day” The Wiz🔮 Lisa Bhakti Overcash & Teacher/Partners~Serhiy, Vadim, Nataliia. Fred Astaire Dance Fall Show 2024, Durham, NC 🎯 SEE Descript Box for HIDDEN SECRETs “The Wizard of OZ
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk's Neuralink Has FDA Approval for Study of Brain Implants In Humans." (Reuters 5/16/2023) Why Do Yuval Noah Harari, Musk, Klaus Schwab, & The Chinese Communist All Agree On Brain-Computer Interfaces?