Dollar Collapse | "When the ALL AT ONCE COMES, It's Going to Be a Religious Experience & One That I Don't Think Will Be Very Pleasant for the Majority of the People." - Andy Schectman (October 11th 2023)
Sports | What Was Original Purpose Behind Creating the Adult Professional Sports & Entertainment Industries? Why Do More People Know About Michael Jordan & Lebron James Than The Great Reset? What Was the Purpose of the Roman Circus?
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "Once They Shot You. I Was Like He's Got to Come In Here. It's All About the Timing. The Timing Is Perfect. Do You Even Have a Scar On Your Ear?"
Julie Green | Who Was Kim Clement? What Is ISIS? Who Was Nimrod? What Was the Tower of Babel? Who Was Gilgamesh? Why Did Obama Endorse Harari? Why Does Harari Want to Re-Write the Bible? Who Is the False Prophet? Who Are the FreeMasons?
Alex Jones | Alex Jones Joins Roger Stone to Discuss What Is Inside the COVID-19 Shots and the History of Alex Jones & INFOWars Program + 7 Tickets Remain for the Nashville ReAwaken America Tour Event
Doctor Stella Immanuel & Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller | Did King Charles Just Announce 7, Up Yours?! Is BRICS On the Verge of Announcing a New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency? "God Shall Send Them Strong Delusion, That They Should Believe a Lie."
Baphomet | Dr. Stella Immanuel & Attorney Doug Mahaffey | SHOCKING!!! Why Did President Truman Install a Baphomet-Themed Mirror In the White House In 1946? Separating Sheep & Goats? | Musk, Grimes, AI, Baphomet, & Yuval Noah Harari
The End of Western Civilization Documentary: How Did We Get Here? | Starring Steven Tyler, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne & People Obsessed w/ Leading YOU Away from Christ: CAUTION: Do Not Watch This With Kids Present
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "Elon Is Great. That Guy Is Such a Great Guy. He Is From a Different Planet. He Is the Greatest Guy. He Gave Me the Nicest Endorsement. You Should Do the Same Thing Joe."
De-Dollarization | Why Did Add a Dollar Supply Countdown Feature That's Currently On Pace to Be Completely Depleted By Oct 8th 2023? Why Has USDebtClock.Org Updated to Read "Dollar to Gold Ratio Is Now $0 Per Once"?
Emerald Robinson | Vivek Ramaswamy | Is Vivek Ramaswamy Advocating for Creating Human-Animal Chimeras? Why Did Ramaswamy's Roivant & Pfizer Team Up to Unveil Priovant Therapeutics? 28 Vivek Ramaswamy Facts
Marina Abramović | Why Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy Name Abramovic As An Ambassador to Ukraine? What Is the Connection Between John Podesta, Spirit-Cooking, Hillary Clinton, Aleister Crowley, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian, & Jay-Z?
Maui Fires | Why Were Satellites Launched And Monitored By the CCP Located Directly Above the Maui Fires At the Time of Ignition? Why Was NORAD 55836 Directly Over the Location? Why Does the CCP Have 60+ Gigawatt Lasers In Earth Orbit Now?