1. 08/25/21 Wed. Woke = Loser; Nasty SJW Teacher; DeSantis vs AP

    08/25/21 Wed. Woke = Loser; Nasty SJW Teacher; DeSantis vs AP

  2. 06/02/21 Wed: Sleazy Joe! BLM, Mothers In-fighting! Vaxx Hype

    06/02/21 Wed: Sleazy Joe! BLM, Mothers In-fighting! Vaxx Hype

  3. Pardon Assange? Drama with National Guard in DC! NEWS 01/19/21 Hr2

    Pardon Assange? Drama with National Guard in DC! NEWS 01/19/21 Hr2

  4. 11/12/20 Thu: Evil Liar Biden; True American History? RGB/ACLU

    11/12/20 Thu: Evil Liar Biden; True American History? RGB/ACLU

  5. 09/17/21 Fri. Stand and Pledge; Milk for Kids; Nicki Minaj vs Vaxx Mob

    09/17/21 Fri. Stand and Pledge; Milk for Kids; Nicki Minaj vs Vaxx Mob

  6. Wayne County RINOs RESCIND Votes to Certify? NEWS 11/19/20 Hr1

    Wayne County RINOs RESCIND Votes to Certify? NEWS 11/19/20 Hr1

  7. 09/09/21 Thu. Gen. Lee a Hero! Bush NWO a Zero!

    09/09/21 Thu. Gen. Lee a Hero! Bush NWO a Zero!

  8. 07/05/21 Mon: Declaration of Independence; Cosby Smears; Fun Calls!

    07/05/21 Mon: Declaration of Independence; Cosby Smears; Fun Calls!

  9. 05/03/21 Mon: Simps for Maxine! CIA for Commie Women; Trump Like Jesus

    05/03/21 Mon: Simps for Maxine! CIA for Commie Women; Trump Like Jesus

  10. 03/24/21 Wed: Reparations, NO! Out-of-Pocket with 'Bagel Karen'

    03/24/21 Wed: Reparations, NO! Out-of-Pocket with 'Bagel Karen'

  11. 09/13/21 Mon. Global Feminism! PDX Sued for Antifa Murderer

    09/13/21 Mon. Global Feminism! PDX Sued for Antifa Murderer

  12. NEWS: Media Accuse Trump of What They Do: Undermine Elections! 9/25/20

    NEWS: Media Accuse Trump of What They Do: Undermine Elections! 9/25/20

  13. NEWS: Paid 'Paternity Leave' in US, France; Barkley on Breonna Taylor 9/25/20

    NEWS: Paid 'Paternity Leave' in US, France; Barkley on Breonna Taylor 9/25/20

  14. 08/05/21 Thu. DeSantis: Good or No Good? CNN Stalks Dr. Mercola!

    08/05/21 Thu. DeSantis: Good or No Good? CNN Stalks Dr. Mercola!
