Yuval Noah Harari | Free-Will | "What Happens If the Government and the Corporation Cannot Just Anticipate the Will and Desire of the Voters and Customers, But Can Also Manipulate and Control Them"
Yuval Noah Harari | Genesis | The Message Kids Get from Biblical Stories Is That It's All About Us and This Links Directly to the Ecological Catastrophe That We Are Facing
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens. You Won't Be Able to Survive If You Are Disconnected from the Net Because Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Being Connected to the Network"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Consider Abortion, Are Fetuses Conscious? The Fetus Itself Has No Ethical and Political Standing. It Is a Bunch of Cells That Lack the Capacity to Feel Anything"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Christians Say They Have a Recipe for a Kingdom On Earth. Then They Gain Power...and You Get The Inquisition"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Humanity Has the Power to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change. If We Invest 2% of Global GDP, We Can Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change"
Yuval Noah Harari | Elections & Voting Rights | "Think of the Potential Impact of Having a Scale of Consciousness Within Humanity Itself Which Places Some Humans or Some Feelings Above Other Humans and Others Feelings."