Ryan Wimpey | "We appreciate you & how far you have taken us. We have gone from 1 location to 10 locations in only a year. In Oct of 2016 we grossed $13K for the whole month, right now, it’s 2018, the month of Oct, it’s the 22nd, we’ve gros
Business | "Clay's Team Has Impacted By Amount of Internet Leads. We Just Have People Calling Us Almost Every Single Day. Every Business Owner Needs Clay Clark And His Team!" - Elizabeth Walker of Nook and Cranny Home Cleaning
TipTopK9.com | “I went to a small private liberal arts college & I didn’t learn linear workflows, I learned stuff I haven’t been using for the last 9 years. So what they are teaching here is actually way better than what I got at business school
TipTopK9.com | “I literally want to model it and steal everything that is here (at Clay Clark’s office) at this facility and just create it just on our business side.” - Ryan Wimpey (Founder of TipTopK9.com)
TipTopK9.com Success Story | Exploring the Value Profit Chain "I literally want to model it and steal everything that is here (at Clay Clark’s office) at this facility and just create it just on our business side." - Ryan Wimpey
TipTopK9.com | Celebrating the TipTopK9.com Super Success Story | Celebrating the Dramatic Growth of CannonConcretePumps.com + “Clay really helped us with his systems, doubling our size, helped us double our incomes.” - Ryan Wimpey
Sharone Lechter | The Co-Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Shares Why You Can't Delegate Your Financials + “It will completely change your mindset. It will change your life.” - Rachel Wimpey + Celebrating the TipTopK9.com Success Story
Ryan Wimpey | Ryan Wimpey Success Story + Outwitting the Devil Co-Author Sharon Lechter Interview (Part 2) + "It’s definitely gotten a lot better. We’ve got a lot of systems & marketing in place now. I don’t even worry about marketing anymo