Full Moon in Capricorn 🌕 7/13/2022 🌟 The Sirius SuperMoon 🃏🎴🀄️ Collective Reading [L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE—PREVIEW ONLY!] (For ALL Locals Members as well as Supporters)
POWERFUL SHOW—Police in the U.S. Who Are "Just Doing Their Job" AKA Nazis (Actually TOO MANY of Them), Conservative Shows OWNED by the Illuminati (the Ones That Say "Vote Harder" and Nothing of Election Fraud), and Taking Back AZ!
A Community of Spirits Whose One of [Many] Soul-Contracted Purposes is to Inspire You OUT of Restrictions [Through Example of Mastering Contrast]. NOTE: There’s a Difference Between Making Choices of One’s Own Volition, and Being Conditioned to Them!