"In Assigning of Fiduciary, VA Must Also Report the Beneficiary to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, As Under the Law They Are Adjudicated As Mentally Defective. This Reporting Prevents the Beneficiary from Purchasing a Firearm.&
Peter Navarro | Communist China's Cyber Attacks Must Be Declared Acts of War | It's Trump 2024 Vs. A Deep-Pocketed NEVER-TRUMP CARTEL Anchored By a Dark Money Koch Network, Big-Pharma Vax Peddlers & Democrat Wall Street Billionaires
10 July 2023 PM Show - Live with Devin Perkins: Arm Everyone Except Americans - Parents Must Draw Lines in the Sand - Warmongers Endorse War Crimes for Ukraine
PRAYER MEMORIAL! Location Was Afghanistan-HORRORS! This must never happen Again. AMERICA'S ABYSS U.S. Military wouldn't defend Afghan Boys from severe sex assaults on their own Bases it's Afghan Culture! (by Fox & RT News)