10 months agoAmit Susana with new testimony about her kidnapping and captivity... just chilling!Israel Forever
10 months agoPallywood Productions - Showing the "real" suffering of the "poor Palestinians" of Gaza...Israel Forever
8 months agoA market in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza this week. Starvation? I don't think so!Israel Forever
9 months agoSo... RaShit Da Taliban changed her mind about Israel. She Loves the White & Blue!News Additions and Corrections
9 months agoI don't have words anymore. These Pallywood videos cannot be more ridiculous! Still believe them?Israel Forever
9 months agoOh no! The big, bad Israelis bo. Ed my house. The only survivors are my Turtle and Rubber duckie...?Israel Forever
8 months agoPallywood or Malpractice and negligence? Watch, read captions and decide for yourselfIsrael Forever
8 months agoNow that's what we like to see! Don't get out of your tunnel or you'll end up like this guyIsrael Forever
10 months agoColumbia University - A pillar of the American and Western world education system!Israel Forever
10 months agoIf you ask the questions the right way you'll get the truth. Columbia University staff at congress.Israel Forever
9 months agoLet's ignore the fact that numbers alone do not tell even 10% of a story... Where morons come from?Israel Forever
8 months agoWhere does Hamas money come from? Who is behind it? What are their goals? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!Israel Forever
8 months agoISRAEL - 76 Years young, but over 3,000 years old! Go visit. See for yourself!Israel Forever