34 Biblical Prophecies Coming to Pass Simultaneously? | Is Christ Returning Soon? Are 34 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now? (READ THE SHOW DESCRIPTION)
Pastor Todd Coconato | 36 Biblical Prophecies Coming to Pass Simultaneously? | Is Christ Returning Soon? Are 36 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now?
Jews Returning Home to Israel | What Does the Bible Have to Say About Significant Increase In Jews to Israel? (Jeremiah 16: 15-16, Jeremiah 30:3, Isaiah 11:11, Hosea 3:4-5, Amos 9:15 & Ezekiel 11:17)
Amanda Grace | All Roads Lead to Rome? Has Alice Bailey’s Vision Come to Fruition? One World Religion Around the Corner? Why Was Kissinger Xi Jinping’s Friend? Why Did Two Men Who Lead America’s Disastrous China Policy Die This Week?
ReAwaken America Tour | General Flynn, Eric Trump, Kash, Mel K, Julie Green, Amanda Grace, Devin Nunes, Dr. Stella, Jim Breuer & Team America Head to Tulare, CA (Dec 15-16)!!! Request Tickets TimeToFreeAmerica.com
Fed Now | Who Is Lael Brainard (Director of National Economic Council of the United States)? | "Every Minute We Are Adding $8 Million to Our Debt." + "People Don't Have the Ability to Get Out of the Way of What They Don't See Comi
Maui Fires | A Second Look At the Maui Fires | Why Was the Olinda Fire Ignited At Approximately 10:47 PM On August 7th 2023 At the Same Time CCP Satellite NORAD 53299 Was Flying Directly Above? + Revelation 13:13 & Revelation 16:12-14
Jim Breuer | Join Jim Breuer LIVE In Tulare, California (December 15th & 16th) On the ReAwaken America Tour With Eric Trump, General Flynn, Devin Nunes, Amanda Grace & Team America!!!
Iran and Hezbollah | Tucker Carlson Interviews Colonel Douglas Macgregor "We Are Not In Strong Position, We Are Probably At Our Weakest Point In Recent History...We Have No Real Army Anymore." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor (October 24th 2023)
BRICS | "The Dollar's Days At the World's Reserve Currency Are Quickly Coming to An End." - Lynette Zang (Lynette Zang | Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002)
Hamas | "In Chapter 6 of Genesis We Find, During Noah's Days, The Earth Also Was Corrupt Before God & the Earth Was Filled With Violence (Hamas)...The Very First Instance of the Word Hamas Was Directly Related to Noah." - Pastor Steve C
ENOCH | How Did ENOCH Walk With GOD? | From Genesis to Revelation | How Does God Say It Began & Will End? READ: Hebrews Chapter 11 + Is Death the Vehicle That Transports You Into the Arms of the Lord? READ: Philipians 1:21
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "If We Go to War With Iran, Guaranteed Sleeper Cells Activate. The Government That Allows That Should Go to Prison, But Instead Like 911, They Will Get More Power When It Happens."