8 months agoSamael Weor- "Dream Yoga-Consciousness, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming" [Full Audiobook]:Eternally Oriented:
8 months agoRobert Fludd-The Rosicrucian Philosopher and Master of the Hermetic Arts [AGRIPPAS DIARY ON YT]:Eternally Oriented:
6 months agoThe Ancient Arts and Science of LIFE of Hermes Trismegustus (The Fuhrer of Magic) [AGRIPPAS DIARY]:Eternally Oriented:
6 months agoHow Hermeticism Influenced Gnosticism And Neoplatonism - Lecture II [MANLY P. HALL]]:Eternally Oriented:
5 months agoThe Secret Art and Science of CEREMONIAL MAGICK- Lecture by Manly P. Hall [AGRIPPAS DIARY]:Eternally Oriented:
7 months agoSteiner Lecture Series: "Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman" [Full Audiobook]:Eternally Oriented:
11 months agoPolonium Halos- UNREFUTED Evidence for Earth's NEAR-INSTANT CREATION!:Eternally Oriented:
11 months agoEliphas Levi- The Dogmas and Ritual of High Magic [Full Audiobook PT.II]:Eternally Oriented:
11 months agoELIPHAS LEVI- The Dogmas and Ritual of HIGH MAGICK [FULL AUDIOBOOK PT.1]]:Eternally Oriented:
11 months agoAndrew Jackson Davis On: "What Clairvoyance is and Some of It's Functions":Eternally Oriented:
10 months agoRosicrucian Celestial Mechanics- Architecture of The One's Creating Universe:Eternally Oriented:
10 months agoThirty Second Degree- "The Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret" [Albert Pike's Magnum Opus]:Eternally Oriented:
9 months agoBryan Magee- The Great Philosophers- Development of Western Man's Consciousness [PT.1]:Eternally Oriented: