1. The Taco Bell Logo, Eye of the Dragon, The Book of Shadows + General Electric Logo, 666 + Disney Logo, 666, Michael Aquino's Book Mind Wars Thanks Walt Disney (and Oliver Stone, among others) + New Model of Mind Constructs e.g. Covid Masks

    The Taco Bell Logo, Eye of the Dragon, The Book of Shadows + General Electric Logo, 666 + Disney Logo, 666, Michael Aquino's Book Mind Wars Thanks Walt Disney (and Oliver Stone, among others) + New Model of Mind Constructs e.g. Covid Masks

  2. Ron DeSantis Owns Reporter and False Narrative | ROTC Clip

    Ron DeSantis Owns Reporter and False Narrative | ROTC Clip

  3. Leta Powell Drake Has a Proposal for Rory Calhoun | Daywave Clip

    Leta Powell Drake Has a Proposal for Rory Calhoun | Daywave Clip

  4. Cash Misses a Flight and Royce Figures it All Out | Daywave Clip

    Cash Misses a Flight and Royce Figures it All Out | Daywave Clip

  5. Tom Brady is Already Getting the Modern Media Treatment | ROTC Clip

    Tom Brady is Already Getting the Modern Media Treatment | ROTC Clip

  6. Susan Wojcicki Recieves Freedom Of Expression Award Sponsored By YouTube | ROTC Clip

    Susan Wojcicki Recieves Freedom Of Expression Award Sponsored By YouTube | ROTC Clip

  7. Gina Carano is Canceled and Fired By Disney | Daywave Clip

    Gina Carano is Canceled and Fired By Disney | Daywave Clip

  8. Los Angeles Health Inspector Dances After Shutting Down Brewery on Superbowl Sunday | ROTC Clip

    Los Angeles Health Inspector Dances After Shutting Down Brewery on Superbowl Sunday | ROTC Clip

  9. Demi Lovato: The Maya Angelou of Sugar Free Frozen Yogurt | ROTC Clip

    Demi Lovato: The Maya Angelou of Sugar Free Frozen Yogurt | ROTC Clip

  10. Royce REALLY Doesn’t Like Patrick Mahomes | Daywave Clip

    Royce REALLY Doesn’t Like Patrick Mahomes | Daywave Clip

  11. Bryan Callen Won : The New Fighter and the Kidz (TFATKZ) | ROTC Clip

    Bryan Callen Won : The New Fighter and the Kidz (TFATKZ) | ROTC Clip
