1 year agoMay God be Gracious to you and Bless You and make His Face shine on you.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoMy soul yearns to dwell in the presence of my Lord Jesus Christ.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoGod my Father grow my Faith so nothing will be impossible for me.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoLive the Kingdom Lifestyle, Love each other as Jesus loves you.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoYou have been Redeemed by Christ Jesus, do you know what this means?BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoDo the will of God the Father and King Jesus will consider you family.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoThe Kingdom of God is when you experience the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoKing Jesus continue to teach me the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoYou would sell everything to get under the Authority of the Kingdom of Heaven.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoTrain me Holy Spirit to teach the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoI thought I was trying to follow God’s commandments to go to Heaven when I died.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
1 year agoA King promise becomes law and he cannot break it. Thank You King Jesus.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
11 months agoForgive who you need to forgive so our Father in Heaven will forgive you.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
11 months agoBe like a child for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
11 months agoTo be great in the Kingdom of God you need to Serve everyone.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified