1. tnt-tuesday night titans-unsung heroes-Brutus beefcake

    tnt-tuesday night titans-unsung heroes-Brutus beefcake

  2. tnt-cooking with Salvatore Bellomo, Brutus beefcake in blue jeans with johnny valiant

    tnt-cooking with Salvatore Bellomo, Brutus beefcake in blue jeans with johnny valiant

  3. tnt-jesse body Ventura, Brutus beefcake Sammartino feud

    tnt-jesse body Ventura, Brutus beefcake Sammartino feud

  4. mar. 14-1987-philly-brutus beefcake vs. rick Martel

    mar. 14-1987-philly-brutus beefcake vs. rick Martel

  5. 7-20-1985-cap centre, Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

    7-20-1985-cap centre, Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

  6. 8 18 1984 -2nd week of Brutus beefcake

    8 18 1984 -2nd week of Brutus beefcake

  7. prime time wrestling-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine interview

    prime time wrestling-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine interview

  8. Brutus beefcake, Greg valentine & dino bravo vs. Tito Santana, hillbilly Jim & Pedro morales

    Brutus beefcake, Greg valentine & dino bravo vs. Tito Santana, hillbilly Jim & Pedro morales

  9. 7 12 1986 Brutus beefcake in 22-man battle royal & match vs. Billy jack Haynes

    7 12 1986 Brutus beefcake in 22-man battle royal & match vs. Billy jack Haynes

  10. 1-1-1985-prime time wrestling debut episode-Brutus beefcake vs. tony garea

    1-1-1985-prime time wrestling debut episode-Brutus beefcake vs. tony garea

  11. SPECTRUM FEB 1985-hulk vs. Brutus beefcake in gold vest & yellow lightning pants

    SPECTRUM FEB 1985-hulk vs. Brutus beefcake in gold vest & yellow lightning pants

  12. Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine vs. jerry Allen & rick hunter

    Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine vs. jerry Allen & rick hunter

  13. Brutus beefcake & hogan interview

    Brutus beefcake & hogan interview

  14. 1986 commercial with Brutus beefcake on his knees laughing & posing

    1986 commercial with Brutus beefcake on his knees laughing & posing

  15. dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine vs. Rougeau brothers

    dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine vs. Rougeau brothers

  16. Brutus beefcake in pink tights with black stripes

    Brutus beefcake in pink tights with black stripes

  17. Brutus beefcake interview when he becomes the barber

    Brutus beefcake interview when he becomes the barber

  18. prime time-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine interview

    prime time-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine interview

  19. prime time-year in review 1986-2 matches of dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

    prime time-year in review 1986-2 matches of dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

  20. tnt-april 2, 1986-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

    tnt-april 2, 1986-dream team of Brutus beefcake & Greg valentine

  21. Brutus beefcake at end of match

    Brutus beefcake at end of match

  22. Jan. 19-1985-championship wrestling-Jim powers vs. Brutus beefcake

    Jan. 19-1985-championship wrestling-Jim powers vs. Brutus beefcake

  23. Brutus beefcake promo talking about what he did to hillbilly Jim on piper's pit

    Brutus beefcake promo talking about what he did to hillbilly Jim on piper's pit

  24. Brutus beefcake in yellow lightning tights wins championship & interview

    Brutus beefcake in yellow lightning tights wins championship & interview

  25. Brutus beefcake, Greg valentine & manager vs. British bulldogs & manager

    Brutus beefcake, Greg valentine & manager vs. British bulldogs & manager
