1. Why are there so many movements in our Salat?

    Why are there so many movements in our Salat?

  2. What should I do if my Non-Muslim classmates don't befriend me because I wear headscarf?

    What should I do if my Non-Muslim classmates don't befriend me because I wear headscarf?

  3. How Can We Update the Tajnid of Members Who Have Lost Touch and Changed Their Details?

    How Can We Update the Tajnid of Members Who Have Lost Touch and Changed Their Details?

  4. How can we respond to people who say and believe that black magic is real?

    How can we respond to people who say and believe that black magic is real?

  5. How can we explain that it is wrong to run a business that sells alcohol or tobacco?

    How can we explain that it is wrong to run a business that sells alcohol or tobacco?

  6. What Are Jinn, and How Powerful Are They?

    What Are Jinn, and How Powerful Are They?

  7. I'm left-handed and find it difficult to use my right hand for tasks, can Beloved Huzoor guide me?

    I'm left-handed and find it difficult to use my right hand for tasks, can Beloved Huzoor guide me?

  8. How Can We Know If Our Prayers Are Being Answered?

    How Can We Know If Our Prayers Are Being Answered?

  9. Huzoor's Friday Sermon Summary | 17 January 2025

    Huzoor's Friday Sermon Summary | 17 January 2025

  10. Should Ahmadi children attend Halloween, Christmas or Easter parties at school?

    Should Ahmadi children attend Halloween, Christmas or Easter parties at school?

  11. What Guidance Does Huzoor Offer to Those Striving for Spirituality and Faith?

    What Guidance Does Huzoor Offer to Those Striving for Spirituality and Faith?

  12. How Can We Guide Our Girls Towards Modest Clothing in the Face of External Pressures??

    How Can We Guide Our Girls Towards Modest Clothing in the Face of External Pressures??

  13. Huzoor's Friday Sermon Summary | 20 December 2024

    Huzoor's Friday Sermon Summary | 20 December 2024

  14. What Is Huzoor's View on Syria's New Governance?

    What Is Huzoor's View on Syria's New Governance?

  15. Should Lajna Continue to Use the Motto 'Modesty is Part of Faith'?

    Should Lajna Continue to Use the Motto 'Modesty is Part of Faith'?

  16. How Can We Reach Those Who Show No Interest In Religion??

    How Can We Reach Those Who Show No Interest In Religion??

  17. Our cousins are non-Mahram for us, so should we observe purdah from them?

    Our cousins are non-Mahram for us, so should we observe purdah from them?

  18. If Russia Attacks the United States What Should We Do?

    If Russia Attacks the United States What Should We Do?

  19. What Advice Would Huzoor Give to Ahmadis who Are Living Far from the Jama'at and Other Ahmadis?

    What Advice Would Huzoor Give to Ahmadis who Are Living Far from the Jama'at and Other Ahmadis?

  20. Why Did Huzoor Start Delivering Sermons on the Companions of Badr?

    Why Did Huzoor Start Delivering Sermons on the Companions of Badr?

  21. Is there still a role for organized religion in the world and can religion be a voice for peace?

    Is there still a role for organized religion in the world and can religion be a voice for peace?

  22. What can we do about husbands who do not co-operate with their wives regarding Jama'at programmes?

    What can we do about husbands who do not co-operate with their wives regarding Jama'at programmes?

  23. What does this saying about the end time mean A time will come when Khalifat will no longer remain?

    What does this saying about the end time mean A time will come when Khalifat will no longer remain?

  24. What Does Huzoor See For the Future of America and the World After Trumps Reelection?

    What Does Huzoor See For the Future of America and the World After Trumps Reelection?

  25. How Can We Teach Our Children Humility Gratitude and Responsibility to Allah and Humanity?

    How Can We Teach Our Children Humility Gratitude and Responsibility to Allah and Humanity?
