2 years agoPositive Energy around you | Wipe Negative Energy with 417Hz | Deep Healing with 432 HzUNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS
2 years ago“聲音頻率的力量”,可以“控制人類”!本質不只是頻率,更是“電場”。您覺得哪一個聽起來,更舒服呢?找回它,對自己有莫大的幫助!音樂史上最被壓制、被消失的真相_“432 赫茲” ~mcy1227
2 years ago432 Hz - The Body & Soul's Deepest Cleansing Music - Meditation Music, Create Wonders & Lovewaterwoo's music
2 years agoCode Searchers' Conversation on the New Year, Passover, and the Last Seven Years Before JubileeHebrew Codesearching
3 months ago144,000 Solstice Ceremony, Channeled Message from The Royal Feline Collective of Lyra ❤️eldorasiman
1 year agoInfinite Abundance - Attract Wealth - 432 Hz #lawofattraction #abundancemeditation #wealthLifeandZen
11 months agoMixobit - The Force - [Progressive House] registrata a 432 Hz Good Vibe! 🎧 #progressivehouse #houseMixobit
9 months ago1979 Manhattan Transfer :: Twilight Tone-Twilight Zone @ 432 Hz (non-official recut)bo2oservice
5 months agoAngelica voce (432 Hz) - Delightful Voice of Angels will Enchant YouMagic Frequencies Music