“I’m a 48 year old man, multiple blood clots in my lungs, ventricular tachycardia, wide spread vascular neuropathy, I require care takers to wash me, and cook for me. Before your vaccine, I had a successful career, I was healthy.
Edmonton Freedom Rally To Raise awareness about Agenda 2030 and encourage individuals to take action against the goals of Agenda 2030, including the 15-minute city concept.
Killer Robots | "We Got Several Leading Robotics Companies, In China, the United States & In Europe to Co-Sign a Letter That Said We Would Not Put Weapons On Robots." - Robert Player (CEO of Boston Dynamics, the Creators of Humanoid Atlas)
My heart breaks for her But I don’t know how any pregnant woman would think that an untested experimental "pharmaceutical" product is okay to take during pregnancy - Wake up now.