Yuval Noah Harari | Elections | "If We Shift the Authority to Make Decisions to the A.I., the A.I. Votes, the A.I. Chooses. And Maybe the Mistake Was In Framing Life As a Drama of Decision Making."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Computers Will Have an Exquisitely Fine Tuned Understanding of How We Feel. We Will Become Very Intolerant of Self-Centered Humans Who Don't Understand How We Feel."
COVID-19 Shots | HORRIFYING Security Footage of the HORRIFYING COVID-19 Shot Side Effects and the HORRIFYING Blood Clots Found Inside People's Bodies + 6 Foot Long Blood Clots? People Dying At 35X the Rate They Were Before the COVID-19 Shots?
Trump Prophecies | Kim Clement Trump Prophecies "Trump Shall Become a Trumpet (2007),"How Can We Have Two Presidents?” Impeachment Attempts, a President for Two Terms, Take the Giant Down, GOLD, Little DWARF In North Korea, Man Named Donald
CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Eric Trump | EXCLUSIVE Interview Hours After FBI's Mar-a-Lago Trump Raid: Kim Clement Prophecies, "Trump Will Become a Trump", "There's a Man by the Name of Mr. Clark and a Man by the Name of Donald," America ReAwakens!!!