6 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 9/6/2024 🕉 Pure Awakened Ones of our United Tribe of the New Jerusalem 🕉whitegoldeagle
6 months agoNew VORTEX of the MOTHER!! 🕉 FEMININE PRINCIPLES 🕉 Liberation and Healing! 🕉 5D TEAMS AND GUIDES! 🕉whitegoldeagle
7 months agoSPECIAL TRANSMISSIONS: Happy "Day out of Time" The Earth Alliance - 5D White-out Underway! SCHUMANNwhitegoldeagle
5 months agoThe Blue Orb and Liquid Gold 🕉 Sol Transmissions 🕉 Soul Monadic Complex 🕉 Wisdom in your Crown 🕉whitegoldeagle
5 months agoTHE ART OF SELF REALISATION 🕉 144,000 the Arc is here! 🕉 Galactic Remembrancewhitegoldeagle
8 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 7102024 🕉 Great Awakened Christed Ones of our Rainbow Tribe of New Lemuriawhitegoldeagle
7 months agoAscension Lightworkers 🕉 PLANETARY NEW YEAR AND THE OPENING OF THE LION'S GATE PORTAL 🕉whitegoldeagle
7 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 8/132/024 🕉 Soul Star Tribe of the Awakened One of True Source #soulwhitegoldeagle
7 months agoInterdimensional Heart Infinity Portal 🕉 Forces of CREATION 🕉 Triple 888 Lions Gate Passage 🕉whitegoldeagle
6 months agoThe MERGE of ALL TIMELINES 🕉 Ascended Master Saint Germain 🕉 Navigate Landscape of Transformation!whitegoldeagle
7 months agoA NEW KIND OF ENERGY IS ARRIVING 🕉 HIGHER SENSITIVITIES POST 888 🕉 Alchemical Transformationwhitegoldeagle
7 months agoIMMACULATE CONCEPTION 🕉 THE PURITY OF THE ROSE 🕉 Womb Architecture of the Cosmic Mother 🕉 Edenwhitegoldeagle
8 months agoMessage of Enlightenment from Archangel Michael: God's Love is Constantly Streaming to You! TRUTH 🕉whitegoldeagle
6 months agoAndromeda Intergalactic Council 🕉 This Is THE FINAL CALL! 🕉 Infinite Cosmic Rays 🕉 Star Families 🕉🕉whitegoldeagle
5 months agoATLAS! Code of Restoration and TRINITY Unification! 🕉 To the Top of the Mountain! 🕉 Kundaliniwhitegoldeagle
6 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 8/16/2024 🕉 New Earth Angelics of Heavenly Passion and Inspiration #newearthwhitegoldeagle
7 months agoLION’S GATE AND THE 888 RESONANCE OF 2024 🕉 Climax of this Intense Energy Portal 🕉whitegoldeagle
7 months agoAscension Lightworkers 🕉 Our Transition into New Earth 🕉 You are a Starseed! 🕉 Embrace this Processwhitegoldeagle
8 months agoTHE 144,000 ANGELIC SOULS ARE READY! 🕉 (Forces of Light) 🕉 Earth's and Humanities Ascension 🕉whitegoldeagle
5 months agoMassive Shift in our Selves and Collective Energy 🕉 Ascending Inner Light Illuminating the Planet!whitegoldeagle
8 months agoPaul White Gold Eagle 🕉 7/11/2024 🕉 Sacred Celestial Wayshowers of the Divine 144 🕉 #whitegoldeaglewhitegoldeagle
8 months agoThe Mother's Rose 🕉 The Seal of the Apocalypse 🕉 5d Twin Flames 🕉 Energies of the Rising Phoenixeswhitegoldeagle
6 months agoDivine Family Unit 🕉 New Guards Directive for this next Galactic Cycle 🕉 Ancestral Akashwhitegoldeagle