11 months agoJourney into life of High-End Escorts! Girls to buy movie showing how they start & finish 💼👯♀️420Jon69
9 months agoWhat have you done in the last 20,000 hours? How to use your energy to get the things you want420Jon69
1 year agoFalling in love with a prostitute or stripper? Are you being played? Not just at Hong Kong tijuana420Jon69
11 months agoAdventures when a Hong Kong bar girl likes you enough to go out with you outside the club 👯♀️💸420Jon69
9 months agoHow to use vip card for discounts at hotel above Hong Kong & checking out early✨🎟️420Jon69
1 year agoImportant Safety tip & warning for visiting Jaco Beach Cocal Casino or San Jose Costa Rica420Jon69
1 year agoGirls & Prostitutes have the same mentality as homeless guys. Their exit strategy is a sucker simp420Jon69
1 year agoDaytime girls at Hong Kong club & tijuana street are getting hotter & more plentiful 👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️420Jon69
1 year agoWhen it rains it pours with girls/life & 6 minute street girls in Zona Norte tijuana? 👯♀️🤔🤣420Jon69
1 year agoHong Kong Bar & Tijuana street girl prices & Cringe Tales of Budget Bangers and Their Fails! 😂420Jon69
1 year ago6 people drugged every hour w scopolamine in Colombia Not just in Medellin or Cartagena anymore420Jon69
1 year agoGirls showing themselves peaking in high school versus now New Tik Tok Glow Down challenge420Jon69
1 year agoMy top tips & advice for going to Tijuana Hong Kong Zona Norte Adelitas Chicago Club HK TJ420Jon69