Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is Developing to Build Intimate Relationship with Human Beings." + "People Will Feel That Their AI Friend Is A Conscious & Therefore Should Be Granted Rights & There Is a Legal Path for How to Do It."
O líder do partido espanhol VOX e do Bloco Patriótico, falou que em ditaduras "utilizam juízes a serviço de um poder político" ao descrever o Brasil citando Bolsonaro como vítima deste sistema.
TPM's Libby Emmons: "I found that extremely disappointing for my fellow countrymen, to watch them just like capitulate and do what the government told them to do."
Charles Duhigg | Best-Selling & Pulitzer-Prize Winning Author | Power of Habit + Why We Do What We Do in Life & Business | Supercommunicators + How to Connect to People In a Conversation + The Proven Process for Writing Books