Until Humanity Knows Itself it Best Slow Down What it Does with Technology—We Already Have What Transhumanism Seeks to Create! | Gregg Braden, and Ben Stewart Interviewed by Regina Meredith: Transhumanism and Taking Back Your Sovereignty.
Because WW2 Was Never Fully Integrated Humanity May be on a WW3 Timeline. Matías De Stefano KEEPS IT REAL with You! A WW3 Doesn’t Mean [You] Don’t Have Divine Protection. | Know Thyself Podcast (Full Interview Linked in the Description ⇩)
A Powerful Discussion Pre the Upcoming Indie R Podcast | Manifesting the Golden Age, What the Current Vibration of Humanity (Including “MAGA NPC’s”) Potentially Reveals About Their Fight Against the Global Elite Illuminati, and MUCH More!