1 year agoYou are not the only guy your girl talks to. Their Inboxes are full of messages from thirsty guys420Jon69
2 years agoYou Prostitute Your Daughters, Now the Land has Fallen to Whoredom & Wickedness🌟🌟Preach Be A Voice Not An Echo🌟🌟
1 year agoFather Confronts His Daughter While She Prostitutes Herself On The StreetThe Black Non Democrat
1 year agoThe girls from jaco sharing their tinder experiences and my advice for them Costa Rica420Jon69
1 year agoTake a think trip alone minimum once a month at least 100 miles away from where you live420Jon69
1 year agoNo matter how rich, good looking, or successful you are, you’ll never be able to satisfy a woman420Jon69
1 year agoLearn to be happy doing things alone. Having freedom requires living the lone wolf lifestyle420Jon69
1 year agoTravelling alone to jaco costa rica not knowing anything or anyone & the importance of connections420Jon69
1 year agoTrying an authentic soda (restaurant) in jaco costa rica. the waitresses are all pretty like her420Jon69
1 year agoSet up your life to a point where you have what you wished for in the past, and keep going420Jon69
1 year agoMentions You @ Power To Triumph || Stay Away From Attacking The Church Of Jesus || February 7, 2024HandinHandwithGodTv
1 year agoGermany Legalized Prostitution Booming>400K Prostitutes: 21Billion Annually. Europe's Brothel.Videos from PastVerified
2 years ago“Jesus Saves” Offends, Prostitutes Gather in Davos & Canada Opens First Vaginoplasty Post-Op Clinic!Theonly1jeremy
1 year agoJoe Biden is such a political prostitute they’re going to have to check his bank accounts for STD’sRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified