Anointed Minister Warns World if following the lies of the NWO Churches "it's not worth going through the Great Tribulation" lies about YAH'S Amightwind/others & Elisheva is not Elijah of Old. Be Free
Amightywind Prophecy 63 (by AMW video team) Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? "All MY Children have to do is receive, believe, love and try your best to obey MY Commandments. Is this so hard?"
Amightywind Prophecy 28 - Are You One of My Hidden Ones? YAH'S Anointed Geniuses "MY People have been hidden," "walked alone without counsel" "have been taught of MY RUACH ha KODESH."
Prophecy 3 - Beware of satanic Plants in the Churches! (Conditions in Organized Churches get worse as we approach the Great Tribulation Warnings also in Prophecies 34, 64, 154 Soros Funded Pastors)
Prophecy 56 (In 2002, YAH Almost Destroys America) "WARN THEM! HOW FEW WILL LISTEN!" FIVE STATE WARNING: California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri!
Prophecy 65 Excerpts YAH SAYS "Cleanse Your Body" Pray Over All Food & Drink. The Torah is the Entire Bible, study more than Greek. Protection during the Fiery Trial (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 68 "Mock Me (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!" YAH'S WORD mocked also people calling us True Messianic Jews & Pentecostals, demon worshippers over certain doctrines is INSANITY. YAH promises Penalties
The Most Indepth! More Videos Exposing the Beast Mark 666! YAH'S Prophecy Excerpts 71, 27, 34, 102, 83, 113, 24 Part 1 - satan & his son's One world superchurch forced Great Tribulation Sunday Law Don't GO!
YAH'S Word to Apostle Elisheva (Prophet since a young teen) Prophecy 8 "Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary."
Amightywind Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You! "The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven." Not anyone can touch it (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 99 - YAH SAYS "America you want to play a harp? (H.A.A.R.P.) Wait until I play MY harp" "Call on ME!" Planned Genocides! GOV. Insanity/Vaccine Warnings (mirrored)
Anointed Associate Minister with Apostle Elisheva "My Vision of YAHUSHUA/JESUS" & Revelations, Visions of Organized (Pentecostal too) Churches filled with demons & sin (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 74 - I, YAHUVEH, have declared War on Planet Earth from Heaven! The UNDERWORLD Will Even Be Doomed, Watery Graves. Reprobates, reptilians, evil Won't ESCAPE