4 months agoHiggins from Crooks' gun range 10/28--He Shot on camera, FBI has ALL Footage of Him (& any partner)Election Fraud Videos
1 day agoMark Levin 2/23 Sunday Monologue & Conversation w/ Victor Davis Hanson on Saving AmericaElection Fraud Videos
1 year agoJoe Tippens on curing his cancer with Fenbendazole Panacur (Antiparasitic-Dewormer)Vax Detox
3 months agoTrump examines safety glass-To get me they'd have to shoot through the Fake News- Media Panic EnsuesElection Fraud Videos
2 days agoJoe Oltmann Viva Frei FEB25- We were Promised Files So Where Are They?Election Fraud Videos
5 days agoJohn Armstrong: No Proof Oswald Ever Went to MX-Fabricated Records-Voice & Pics NOT Oswald, said FBIElection Fraud Videos
2 months agoFinchem 12-20 w_Seth Keshel- #1 Catalyst for Fraud is the Rolls -Over 500k Voter Clones Found in AZElection Fraud Videos
2 months agoSteve Baker- I was ARRESTED for exposing the truth of J6- Feds In the Crowd -Responds to IG ReportElection Fraud Videos
2 months agoMike Lindell Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas, talks about his Christmas Sales& Beating the LawfareElection Fraud Videos
17 days agoSmith-Hoft 2/7 #1 Potemkin Village-Bad Actors posed as Experts who Know Nothing or Work For DominionElection Fraud Videos
8 days agoHughes finds Thornley MIL Records in Hemming Docs he FOIA'd-Pattern of KT arrivals after LHO LeavesElection Fraud Videos
1 month agoMatt Gaetz explains how & where you can buy IVERMECTIN & MEBENDAZOLE (human-approved Fenbendazole)Vax Detox
2 months agoHerridge CIA whistleblower: Crippled by Injuries from Havana Syndrome, a Foreign DEW-Betrayed by CIAElection Fraud Videos
3 days agoHuge Opportunity for R's to Retake WI Supreme Court- Sink or swim APRIL 1stElection Fraud Videos
3 days ago2/21 Election Bribery Underway in WI Again- MSM Attack Elon, Completely Ignore Reid Hoffman & SorosElection Fraud Videos
2 days agoProf Clements on his Election Film LMPG & the Diabolical Agenda Behind the J6 False FlagElection Fraud Videos
1 day agoBrett Tolman with Levin 2/22 on Politicization of the DOJ, Targeted Prosecutions including of TrumpElection Fraud Videos