Maui Fires | Olinda Fire Was Ignited At Approximately 10:47 PM On Aug 7th 2023. At This Exact Time CCP Satellite Labeled NORAD 53299 Was Directly Over the Location. Lahaina Fire Was Ignited At 6:37 AM On Aug. 8th. CCP Satellite NORAD 55836..."
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Tenth Commandment Actually Endorses Slavery...A Letter That Was Supposedly A Letter from St. Paul to Timothy, But Most Scholars Believe It Was a Second Century Forgery (1st Timothy)." - 10/15/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "For the First Time In Human History It Is Now Becoming Feasible to Create a Total Surveillance Regime. This Was a Dream of Many Dictators. Previously It Was Just Technically Impossible." - 10/20/2024
Fractional Reserve Banking | "Up Until Covid Banks Had to Keep On Hand 10% of Your Deposit, Then They Could Lend Out the Other 90%. When Covid Hit, They Got Rid of Those Rules. Then Banks Only Had to Keep 0% of My Deposit."
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is the Most Powerful Technology Ever Created. It's Not A Tool. It's An Agent. You Have Billions of New Agents That Can Be Used to Create the Worst Secret Police In the World." - 10/28/2024
Elon Musk | "I Am Culturally Christian. I Have Trouble Believing These Religious Stories. I Respect People That Want to Have Religious Views. The Operating System I Have Is a Physics Engineering Operating System." - 10/7/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | “The Ten Commandments Just Like the U.S. Constitution Also Endorses Slavery. Look Up Commandment Number 10. Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh.” - September 1st 2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Biden Is Now By Far the Most Popular Politician In Israel, There Is Immense Rage Against the Right Wing Government That In the Name of Messianic Fantasies Brought Israel to This Situation...10 Commandments Endorse Slavery."
BRICS | "It Was Announced 13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA (10/25/2024) + "(Losing Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump