Mark of the Beast | Is the Mark of the Beast Technology Now Here? Look Up the Following- MIT CBDCs, MIT Quantum Dot, Quant.Network, Patent WO-2020-060606
Mark of the Beast | A Biblical Deep Dive Into The Mark of the Beast | Revelation Chapter 13- 16-18 + Understand How MIT CBDCs, the MIT Quantum Dot & Quant.Network Make It Mechanically Possible for the Mark of the Beast
Vaccines | "With the Rise of Brain-Computer Interfaces And Biometric Sensors, It Is Very Likely That People Will Literally Be a Part of a Network. All of the Bodies, All of the Brains Would Be Connected to A Network." - Yuval Noah Harari
Lara Trump | A Behind-the-Scenes Look Into the Life of Lara Trump Including: Her Life Before She Became a Trump, Where She Was When Trump Announced His First Presidential Run, Her Fitness & Healthy Eating Tips & Her Trump Impersonation!!!
Dr. Stella Immanuel | A New Year's Message of HOPE + The Connection Between 5G, Luciferase, MIT, Quantum Dots, CBDCs, Epstein, Gates & Great Reset | “Don’t Be Scared, But Be Prepared.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "From Bail-Outs to Bail-Ins Mandatory Debt Restructuring of Systemic Financial Institutions" - The International Monetary Fund
COVID-19 Shots | "We Are Seeing the Highest Death Rates We Have Ever Seen In This Business. Death Rates Are Up 40%. This Is Primarily Working Age People. Deaths Are Up Huge, Huge Numbers." - J. Scott Davison (One America Chairman and President)