1. The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 2]

    The Surprisingly Different Moral Perspectives of Jedi Council Members [Pt. 2]

  2. What was Objectively the DARKEST Period of all Republic History?

    What was Objectively the DARKEST Period of all Republic History?

  3. Why Most Star Wars Fans Actually Don't Know Much about the Battle of Utapau

    Why Most Star Wars Fans Actually Don't Know Much about the Battle of Utapau

  4. The Creepy Cave Dwellers of Utapau who Built their Cities out of Bones - Utapau Explained

    The Creepy Cave Dwellers of Utapau who Built their Cities out of Bones - Utapau Explained

  5. The Dark Truth of What Happened to Echo Right After the Citadel [THEORY]

    The Dark Truth of What Happened to Echo Right After the Citadel [THEORY]

  6. The EASY WAYS to Kill Jedi Explained - How These Major Weaknesses were Always Exploited

    The EASY WAYS to Kill Jedi Explained - How These Major Weaknesses were Always Exploited

  7. The OP Ship Everyone Forgets About - Why the V-Wing Scared the Confederacy

    The OP Ship Everyone Forgets About - Why the V-Wing Scared the Confederacy

  8. Which Sect of the Jedi Order was most Susceptible to Falling to the Dark Side

    Which Sect of the Jedi Order was most Susceptible to Falling to the Dark Side

  9. Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle of Ryloth

    Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle of Ryloth

  10. Were there any Species Physically Incapable of being Jedi or Sith?

    Were there any Species Physically Incapable of being Jedi or Sith?

  11. Why Most of the Galaxy Weren't ALLOWED to Visit these Cruel & Unknown Hutt Homeworlds

    Why Most of the Galaxy Weren't ALLOWED to Visit these Cruel & Unknown Hutt Homeworlds

  12. The Hutts' Dark Plot to CONQUER THE REPUBLIC & The Age of the Pius Dea - Republic History #5

    The Hutts' Dark Plot to CONQUER THE REPUBLIC & The Age of the Pius Dea - Republic History #5

  13. Why the Sith Lord who Invented the Double-Bladed lightsaber puts Modern Sith to SHAME

    Why the Sith Lord who Invented the Double-Bladed lightsaber puts Modern Sith to SHAME

  14. The Morbid Truth Behind the Devastating Drug Epidemic in the Star Wars Universe

    The Morbid Truth Behind the Devastating Drug Epidemic in the Star Wars Universe

  15. The Creepiest Mission a Republic Commando Squad Ever Faced

    The Creepiest Mission a Republic Commando Squad Ever Faced

  16. What was Used BEFORE Bacta was Discovered? - Why One Planet was NEVER the Same After Bacta Adoption

    What was Used BEFORE Bacta was Discovered? - Why One Planet was NEVER the Same After Bacta Adoption

  17. Why Having two Sith was so much BETTER than Having an Army of Sith

    Why Having two Sith was so much BETTER than Having an Army of Sith

  18. How Prone were Major Star Wars Races to the Light or Dark Side?

    How Prone were Major Star Wars Races to the Light or Dark Side?

  19. The FIRST SITH LORDS and Their War With the Jedi: The story of the Hundred-Year Darkness - RH #6

    The FIRST SITH LORDS and Their War With the Jedi: The story of the Hundred-Year Darkness - RH #6

  20. Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle for the Jedi Temple

    Why Most Star Wars Fans Don’t Actually Know much About the Battle for the Jedi Temple

  21. Why was the Bad Batch SCARED of Using Live Rounds against the Empire?

    Why was the Bad Batch SCARED of Using Live Rounds against the Empire?