1. If black community are so horrible why is the government doing anything to improve it

    If black community are so horrible why is the government doing anything to improve it

  2. Politicans/school board need to add trade school programs to impoverished high school communities

    Politicans/school board need to add trade school programs to impoverished high school communities

  3. Women Who Perform Oral Sex are Happier, Study Suggests

    Women Who Perform Oral Sex are Happier, Study Suggests

  4. Negro boy vs Black male by Muhammad Ali explaining the difference

    Negro boy vs Black male by Muhammad Ali explaining the difference

  5. Renee Bach run a clinic without a medical license in Uganda that killed 105 kids

    Renee Bach run a clinic without a medical license in Uganda that killed 105 kids

  6. New video Stop blaming politicians because you're in poverty

    New video Stop blaming politicians because you're in poverty

  7. Making America Great Again aka MAGA from a working black man point view

    Making America Great Again aka MAGA from a working black man point view

  8. Washington Post sounds off on poll showing Black Americans support SCOTUS affirmative action ruling

    Washington Post sounds off on poll showing Black Americans support SCOTUS affirmative action ruling

  9. Four institutions black people need to be an independent community by Dr. Umar Johnson

    Four institutions black people need to be an independent community by Dr. Umar Johnson

  10. Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ Cast Member Momma Dee Victim Of Hit-And-Run Accident

    Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’ Cast Member Momma Dee Victim Of Hit-And-Run Accident

  11. Women "A man can't be a man if he over his head in debt

    Women "A man can't be a man if he over his head in debt
