1 year agoGraphine Oxide in our bodies by: injections, air, water and food then manipulated by cell towers.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoDebt Clock Dollar to Silver Ratio $1,562 per Oz with silver now at $23. Better get some.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoChild and drug trafficking profits going from Maricopa, AZ to steal elections in Nashville, TN.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoJFK, Elvis and Howard Hughes all suffered similar extreme pain afflictions that are becoming increasingly widespread, causing many veterans to turn to suicide and even afflicting many women that have epidurals during child birth.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoS.W.A.T. Again Majorie Taylor Greene, Russian Military Tribunals in Mariupol 8.25Vigilant NewsVerified
1 year agoIntuitive Warrior EMF Protection Muscle Testing with Michael Jaco & Raphael Conquistamichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWho are the Kazarian Mafia and will their symbolism be their downfall?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoGeorge Floyd false flag color revolution, Covid shot nano particle venom, the bee die off.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoGraphene Oxide fix as the the real science comes forward to collapse big Pharma/michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoBeginning of world wide bank failures. Gold to silver ratio balance will take silver to $150 Oz.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoHappy Vets Day! Did the military step in for Brazil and the US election steals?michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoVigilant News - Badlands Spotlight: Paul Fleuret (Absolute1776) - Sun 3:00 PM ET -Badlands MediaVerified
2 years agoComing collapse in the stock market on the level of 1929, 85-90% drop. Operation Tomahawk will win!michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoIsmael Perez shares latest on near term events, timelines, solar flash and galactic travel.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoVigilant News Interviews: Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, Therapist Exposes Captured Industry - 3:00 PM ETBadlands MediaVerified
1 year agoVigilant News Interview: Scotty Saks, White Hats are Winning - Sun 3:00 PM ET -Badlands MediaVerified
1 year agoVigilant News 8.14.23 FDA Bombshell, BRICS Accords, Chinese Organ Harvester Tells All - Mon 3:00 PM ET -Badlands MediaVerified
1 year agoSpellbreakers Ep. 38: Hyperfast Laser Strobe Lights Win the Nobel Prize - Wed 7:30 PM ET -Badlands MediaVerified