Psychotherapists that are In The System/Luciferian Brotherhood + The Tavistock Institute, Hampstead, Offshoots like The Stanford Research Institute, Prestigious, Respected by the General Public, Perceived as an Authority
Prayer as a Weapon, Molech Got Stuck in the Floor because the Spiritual Gate was Closed, Couldn't Possess Jessie's Training Partner + Angels, Protectors + Cleanse the Lepers, Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cast Out Demons + Origin of the Gates
Gray Faction is Highlighting Abuse By Mental Health Professionals, A Case in which the Mother Killed Her Son Due to Constant Harassment by Satanists, The Mental Health Professionals were Negligent
Human Trafficking, Black Operations, Breeder Programs, Adrenochrome & Functioning Adrenochromics + Rituals and Attendance + The Church Needs to Wake Up