2 years agoAjax our lovely London urban#fox is back and has had her fill of raw #chicken from our tableAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 LIVE STREAM Now there are 2! 3-week old urban fox cubs playing with mum & each other - Amazon RingAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Daily Foxy Family Spring Watch - urban fox now has 4 3-week-old cubs - edited LIVESTREAM highlightsAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years agoLIVESTREAM the noise is Ajax eating her dog food and eggs which you see on the Ring feed.Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 Ajax is mad she nicked some ropey thing took back to bury with her fave cub in the #foxy play areaAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Ajax the friendly urban fox comes early to our back door tonight and plays with meAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊The return of Ajax the urban #fox and her 3 baby cubs - they are doing well !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax finds her garden disturbed and hangs around sniffing and poking for AGES !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax on a rare beautiful sunshine spring morning visit to find food.Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax darts out of the garden chimney pots and grabs the chicken #SHORTSAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊WINTER IS COMING - Urban #Fox Ajax and her daughter face winter alone - a look back at their yearAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Sad tale of limping & new mother friendly urban fox Ajax and her foxy husband 'The Devil Fox'Ajaxtheurbanfox