1. Очень хорошо, что у вас есть амбицииПутин сравнил ветерана СВО с богатырем Ильей Муромцем

    Очень хорошо, что у вас есть амбицииПутин сравнил ветерана СВО с богатырем Ильей Муромцем

  2. Начните день воодушевленно: доверьтесь Богу и позвольте Его защите быть на вас

    Начните день воодушевленно: доверьтесь Богу и позвольте Его защите быть на вас

  3. Giavani Cairo, Luke Dymian and George Xanthis honor the memory of their friend Jared Von Baker

    Giavani Cairo, Luke Dymian and George Xanthis honor the memory of their friend Jared Von Baker

  4. Jonathan Roumie beautiful prayer on the seashore- Jesus, take care of everything!

    Jonathan Roumie beautiful prayer on the seashore- Jesus, take care of everything!

  5. Jonathan Roumie and disciples interviewed by Dallas Jenkins at the Chosen Con

    Jonathan Roumie and disciples interviewed by Dallas Jenkins at the Chosen Con

  6. George Xanthis- John -and Luke Dimyan -Judas- visit in the hospital Jared, cancer fighter

    George Xanthis- John -and Luke Dimyan -Judas- visit in the hospital Jared, cancer fighter

  7. Questions& answers about The Chosen Season Four with Giavani, Luke and George -fundraiser for Jared

    Questions& answers about The Chosen Season Four with Giavani, Luke and George -fundraiser for Jared

  8. Jonathan Roumie is interviewed by Carley Boyette -awesome listening

    Jonathan Roumie is interviewed by Carley Boyette -awesome listening

  9. Jonathan Roumie's powerful and heartfelt prayer for peace in Middle East

    Jonathan Roumie's powerful and heartfelt prayer for peace in Middle East

  10. Jonathan Roumie gives his testimony on Divine Mercy moments God shown him mercy in his life

    Jonathan Roumie gives his testimony on Divine Mercy moments God shown him mercy in his life

  11. Matthew Perry aka Chandler from Friends passed away-his last haunting picture and his hope in Jesus

    Matthew Perry aka Chandler from Friends passed away-his last haunting picture and his hope in Jesus

  12. Yasmine Al-Bustami aka Ramah from the Chosen pictures with her at the Chosen Insiders Conference

    Yasmine Al-Bustami aka Ramah from the Chosen pictures with her at the Chosen Insiders Conference

  13. Reza Diako beautiful and extremly touching personal story at the Chosen Insiders Conference

    Reza Diako beautiful and extremly touching personal story at the Chosen Insiders Conference

  14. Église d'aujourd'hui ⧸ «Jésus : l'interview » rencontre avec Jonathan Roumie, Jésus dans The Chosen

    Église d'aujourd'hui ⧸ «Jésus : l'interview » rencontre avec Jonathan Roumie, Jésus dans The Chosen

  15. US Congressman Ron Johnson alleges that covid was “pre-planned by an elite group of people

    US Congressman Ron Johnson alleges that covid was “pre-planned by an elite group of people

  16. Noah James aka Andrew from the Chosen makes an advert for shampoo, the reactions are hilarious

    Noah James aka Andrew from the Chosen makes an advert for shampoo, the reactions are hilarious

  17. Jonathan Roumie speaks about biggest change in him-totally depending on God for everything

    Jonathan Roumie speaks about biggest change in him-totally depending on God for everything

  18. Remembering God's mercy in our life- especially in moments we struggle in life

    Remembering God's mercy in our life- especially in moments we struggle in life

  19. Prayer for sister Shellie G Williams

    Prayer for sister Shellie G Williams

  20. Glenn Beck shows the disastrous effect of Bidenomics on how much the average american can buy today

    Glenn Beck shows the disastrous effect of Bidenomics on how much the average american can buy today

  21. Jonathan Roumie voice -extras from Light from Light: Scientific Enigmas and Theological Mysteries

    Jonathan Roumie voice -extras from Light from Light: Scientific Enigmas and Theological Mysteries

  22. Jonathan Roumie at The Chosen Insiders Conference shows humbleness choosing to sit beside Judas

    Jonathan Roumie at The Chosen Insiders Conference shows humbleness choosing to sit beside Judas

  23. Jonathan Roumie talks about when he knew he was called to be an actor

    Jonathan Roumie talks about when he knew he was called to be an actor

  24. Momento comovente da terceira temporada do programa de TV Chosen - Jesus cura Shula

    Momento comovente da terceira temporada do programa de TV Chosen - Jesus cura Shula
