1. Fresh and Fit Try To Talk Sense Into 24 Y/O Bimbo Being In Her Prime Years

    Fresh and Fit Try To Talk Sense Into 24 Y/O Bimbo Being In Her Prime Years

  2. Fresh and Fit Expose "Simp Anthems" After Realizing Music Is Programming

    Fresh and Fit Expose "Simp Anthems" After Realizing Music Is Programming

  3. Fresh and Fit On Asianbroad BEGGING For Attention - Clout Chasing Demon

    Fresh and Fit On Asianbroad BEGGING For Attention - Clout Chasing Demon

  4. Sold Her Soul But Doesn't Understand It Yet - Fresh and Fit Try To SAVE Her

    Sold Her Soul But Doesn't Understand It Yet - Fresh and Fit Try To SAVE Her

  5. Fresh and Fit Share Updated Studio - New Camera Angles & Future Guest!

    Fresh and Fit Share Updated Studio - New Camera Angles & Future Guest!
