2 years agoRecording of a ZOOM Meeting with an Avatar in High DefinitionLearn to Teach Online with Dr. Deutsch
2 years agoZOOM Avatar Streaming from ZOOM in Standard Definition not High DefinitionLearn to Teach Online with Dr. Deutsch
1 year agoFACEBOOK JAIL: Gun Dealers doing HARD Time Kris Maves Owner of Select Fire Weaponry ExplainsTom Grieve
1 year agoDeadly Force Laws RANKED! Most Important? Stand Your Ground v. Castle Doctrine v. ConstitutionalTom Grieve
1 year agoSupreme Court Next?! BIG 2a Federal Case Antonyuk v. Hochul, Conceal Carry and Sensitive LocationsTom Grieve
11 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
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1 year agoSUPREME COURT ATF 2nd Amendment Chevron NOW A TON Going on Today At the Court, Let's talk aboutTom Grieve