2 years agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi - "God Save Us!!!" - World Governments Are Murdering Peoplenonvaxer420
4 months agoDr. Bhakdi shows how the blood clots after the Covid vaccine injected.God Country and Family
3 years agoI vaccini COVID potrebbero “decimare la popolazione mondiale,” avverte il Dr. BhakdiCome Don Chisciotte News
2 years agoUpdate on King of Thailand and Dr. Bhakdi- Possible Null & Void Pfizer, Pets, Animals Will Die!teddolbi
1 year agoLIVE | Alexa fragt nach! ...bei Martin Schwab & Werner Bergholz über den Prozess von Sucharit BhakdiFront_Wolf2020: Livestreams - Zusammenfassungen
3 years agoDangers and Death from COVID Vaccines explained by World-Renown Dr. Sucharit BhakdiThe New AmericanVerified
1 year agoWirkung und Gefahren der mRNA-Impfung. Die globale Impftragödie (Prof. Dr. S. Bhakdi)WolliRH
3 years agoDr Sucharit Bhakdi – Tα όργανα νεκρών εμβολιασμένων απέδειξαν επίθεση του ανοσοποιητικούEureka!
2 years agoDr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Les vaccins à ARNm sont déjà prêts pour toutes les maladiesbellavida2