Family Accusations + Jessie's Mother Tried to Inform Her Father but He Was In Denial + Drugging Them so They Always Fell Asleep Early + The Alibi People i.e. People that Provided an Alibi for the Authorised Narrative
Jessie's Father Was Not in the System, Even Though There's a Bloodline Connection + Jessie's Mother Went Through the Program, She Was Broken and then Endured Many Years of Gaslighting on Top of That i.e. Saying She Must Have Imagined it all
Harps and Trumpets Being Heard Around the World, Mechanical Spiritual Gates or Chained Demons + Are We in the End-Times Now? + 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Second Harvest
Q & A: Was the Jab a Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? + Will One Third of the Population Be Gone Before the Anti-Christ Comes? + Baptism and the Holy Spirit
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Blow Torching Tongue, Caviar, Hollywood Meals, Pearls, Older People Paying to Attend a Cannibal Meal + Literally Eating People Alive, The Normalization of Evil