1 year ago♈️ Aries: ❤️ Pick-a-Card🃏➡️❤️Free Yourself ❤️ Children ❤️Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life…MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago🌟 Weekly Energy Reading for ♈️Aries (Nov 19th-26th)💥You FEEL so much more than what YOU ACT on!!!!!🎧MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♓️Pisces: Two choices you have to make; protect your LOVE -or- protect your energy from jealousy!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♋️ Cancer: Attachments to unhealthy connections are being restructured; ALLOW endings to take place!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♐️ Sagittarius: Rest and Rejuvenation and is on the menu due to recovery from past relationships!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♉️Taurus: You're opening the door to value; putting Urself first & letting the painful narcisst GO!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♍️ Virgo: New love & new opportunities R on the way; someone objects to this growth so be cautious!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♌️ Leo: Hostilities HIT you on the homefront & something comes crashing down but you're protected!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago[Aries Facts] Born in London, England in 1959, and grew up in a family of actors and writers.moonivated
2 years ago🔥BOOK*YOUR*TAROT*TEXT @https://readingsbymarvelousmadame.as.me/CLICK BELOW IN THE PINNED COMMENT ⬇️🔥MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♎️ Libra: BULLSEYE! You're their focus, their soulmate, the love of their life & they're SERIOUS! 💝MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago🔥🌬🌊🌍🌟What Are't They Telling You? All signs: ♈️♉️♊️♋️♌️♍️♎️♏️♐️♑️♒️♓️ 🌟 [♏️ Scorpio Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
2 years agoARIES | Claiming What is Meant To Be! | November 2022 New Moon Tarot Love ReadingSunlight Insight Tarot
1 year ago🌟 Weekly Energy Reading for ♈️ Aries for (August 21st-27th) 💥Virgo Season & Mercury RetrogradeMarveMadameTarot
2 years ago🔥Fire Signs: ♈️ Aries, ♌️ Leo, ♐️ Sagittarius: 🗣️Their Confessions! 🌟 [♎️ Libra Season 2022]MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♏️ Scorpio: Twin Flame connection; U 2 R made for one another, true love despite the difficulties!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♑️ Capricorn: You wished for it; you worked for it & you got the EXACT opposite of what you wanted!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♒️ Aquarius: They want to make this HOUSE a HOME & finally give you the things that you deserve!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♋️ Cancer: The LIES are over; they're proposing committment & they want to come home to you! 💍MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♊️ Gemini: After the heartbreak you want a new start; but you know you DESERVE better than this!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♑️ Capricorn: They're surrounded around haters & negativity which have plagued this connection! ❌MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago🌟 Weekly Energy Reading for ♈️ Aries (22nd-29th)💥Scorpio Sun, Mercury & Mars is upon us; SHOWTIME!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♐️Sagittarius:A family affair; habits in your life are in the way of how you want to live your life!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♎️ Libra: They're coming BACK around knocking on the door to romance; will you allow them back in?MarveMadameTarot