Aliens in Miami, California Floods, and an Earthquake in Japan.. Practically all at Once? What in The World is Going On?! + Calling Out Unfortunately Real Conspiracy Theorists and "Truthers"!| Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
"Infamous" Self-Proclaimed Enemy of the New World Order ALSO Claims NO Self-Victimhood and Promotes Law of Attraction Concepts Including Vision Boards!—You ARE Both if You are Sophisticated. | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".
Taking the DEEPEST Look We Can [So Far] at the Alleged Miami Alien(s) | WE in 5D: It Will be Hard to Tell What This is Because Such 4th Dimensional Beings Will be Transparent AND SO WILL PROJECT BLUE BEAM PROJECTIONS!
The U.S. is Officially a 3rd-World Country — America has Likely Karmically Earned itself an Upcoming FULL-ON 2nd Amendment-Driven Civil War! | Jean Noland of “Inspired”.