WATCH 24x7! Nov.28,'24: PART TWO Islamic Terrorism embedded here due to Biden Admin negligence at the wide open border. Trump has plans to deport the criminal terrorists & other hidden law breakers.
WATCH 24x7! Aired on Nov.26,'24 8p & 4:15a ET, PART ONE Islamic Terrorism has embedded in our country due to Biden Admin negligence at the wide open border. Trump has plans to deport the criminal terrorists and other hidden criminals!
Charlie Kirk & Kari Lake: Securing Our Borders Means Securing Our Elections & Freedom, And Stopping The "Fentanyl Pipeline" Through Arizona – Ask Dr. Drew
#103 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: AZ Politicians Do NOTHING To Stop Child Sex Slave Trafficking! Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections, Wide Open Borders, Demonic CPS - THEY ARE AS GUILTY AS THE ABUSERS - THIS IS ON THEIR HANDS!