Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David | Aladdin & BlackRock | 88% of the Companies On the S&P 500, the Largest Shareholder Is Either State Street, BlackRock or Vanguard
Dr. Simone Gold | “I Bet You Are Still Naively Thinking That The Worlds Health Organization Actually Concerns Itself With Health Issues, Such As Viruses. How 20th Century Of You.” - Dr. Simone Gold
BlackRock | The History of Aladdin, BlackRock's Asset Buying A.I. That Owns the World | FACT- "88% of the Companies On the S&P 500, the Largest Shareholder Is Either State Street, BlackRock or Vanguard."- Patrick Bet-David On Joe Rogan
BlackRock | "88% of the Companies On the S&P 500, the Largest Shareholder Is Either State Street, BlackRock or Vanguard."- Patrick Bet-David On Joe Rogan
Cindy Chafian | “We Call Ourselves Patriots But I Bet Every Single Person In Here Filed Taxes And Paid Money To An Illegitimate Government.” - Cindy Chafian