This is NOT Being Shared as a Fan, But as a Display of the Falling Apart of a Scanty, Deceptive, and Pure Desperate Fantasy Narrative as Much Sham as the NWO's! | Kerry Cassidy, Patriot Underground, and Janine of “Turn The Page”.
NEW INFO on the Legendary 1989 Alien Interview (Not Released Until 1997). Kerry Cassidy Interviews Jon Stewart 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT — [Full 1989 Alien Interview via 1997 Documentary in Description Below ⬇️]
Kerry Cassidy Interviews Lewis Herms (3/15/23) — The QFS, NESARA/GESARA, Russell Jay Gould, Admiralty Law/“The Oppressor’s Language” Vs. The Language of The People, and More! 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
WE in 5D: “As with Even the MOST Revered by Me (Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, Whoever) I NEVER Agree with Every Single Little Detail They Divulge—I’ll Give Greer the Benefit of the Doubt That He Wants to Warn of Project Blue Beam Through any Means.“
Kerry Cassidy Interviewed by Sacha Stone—Topics Include: “Contrast” in Higher Dimensions (ALL Beings Have Self-Interest), President Trump and “Q”, and More!
Deep State Mapping Artist/Researcher, Dylan Monroe Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy (9/14/22) Topics Include Correlating Groups: Khazars/Mossad/Zionists, Nazis, Jesuits, The Vatican, Switzerland, and More! 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Roundtable with Gene Decode and Kerry Cassidy, Hosted by Patriot Underground. — A Break From the Gaslighting “Plan” and an Update on the ET Agenda at This Time in Ukraine and Other Nations/Continents + a Good Dose of History! (12/12/22)
Tribute to the Controversial Jordan Maxwell: "THERE WAS NO KING SOLOMON", and More! — Featuring Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, and More! | Jordan Maxwell 1940–2022
This Ain't Your Lil Bro's G.I. Joe Qanon Episode! Former FBI / Ex-Military Gives STRAIGHT FACTS and a Non-Hopeum Warning! — David Baumblatt on "The Awake Nation" | WE in 5D: Notice They No Longer Work with a Devolved Kerry Cassidy.
Kerry Cassidy Comments on the Recent U.S. Gov. Official with the Highest Level of Clearance ADMITTING We Have Non-Human ET Crafts.. and More! | The Awake Nation
WE in 5D Addresses the Recent Kerry Cassidy & M.L. Redneck Renegade Interview/Conversion. [NESARA/GESARA a 3rd Dimensional Concept?—Not Verbalized by Me Originally, But Find Out if I Agree.] “Patriotism Cannot be Our Final Spiritual Shelter.”
CRITICAL INTEL (REAL–Not the Kerry Cassidy Stuff): Fed Provocateurs IDENTIFIED at Texas Border! | WE in 5D: Let's be Clear—What are World War, Race Wars, Future Cyber Attacks, and Future Pandemics/Vaccine Mandates About? #CancelThe2024Election!