1998 Amightywind Prophecy 21 Shocked The World satan will mock the Rising of the Saints. In Great Tribulation & Holocaust an army of demons/fallen angels possess (Zombies) dead rotten corpses of souls in hell
Amightywind Prophecy 32 (1999) Excerpts America "blood shed has not come to your shores from war for many years but you have now called it upon yourselves!" "No Warnings" NATO BLITZED (mirrored)
In 1999 from Prophecy 32 "the bombing of innocent" Many NATIONS To Obliterate America & Allies "In the silence of the night it shall strike with no warnings." "you have now called it upon yourselves!"
SHOCKING! In YAHS Prophecies 47 & 153! Physical (from mad Science) & Spiritual Clones (like Prosperity Pimps Benny Hinn/many people on TV) In Description see more. Please Pray over Food! (mirrored)
Prophecy 153, 102 Excerpts - Earth SHATTERING As YAH & YAHUSHUA SPEAK About Soon Great Tribulation. Famines/Locusts/satanic Cannibalism/Hellywood/Giants Fall From Skies/Astounding FAITH/Miracle Manna! (mirrored)